So. As you can see by the title, there is less than a week until we go home. Home. Coming Home. Remember that blog? More than a year ago? It's funny how I refer to both here and the States as home. It's true. Anywhere you stay for an extended period of time you're going to put down roots, grow attached to the people, the places, everything there, and it becomes home to you.
I am beyond excited to be with all of you, to hug you and go to movies with you and eat with you and spend time with you. There are so many things I want to do, and I am ready to be HOME.
I'm very, very curious to observe how much I miss being here while I'm in the States. The past couple months God has been laying on all of our hearts a strong possibility of staying here longer than our two year commitment, and perhaps this time at home will be a 'test run' of sorts. It's only two months and it'll basically just be a long vacation, so I might not even have a chance to miss Swaziland, with everything going on.
I guess I just wanted to say hi to you all before I have the actual opportunity to say it out loud, to your face, and accompany it with big hug. I'm ticking off the hours and days on my fingers and am almost constantly smiling. I love you all.
Pray for me.